DISORDER 14/12/20 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 44m 10s
KING DUDE : 1) Forty Fives Say Six SIx Six
2) The Satanic Temple
3) Forgive My Sins
WIRE : 4) Unrepentant ; 5) Oklahoma
THE TAPES : 6) Turn On Tune In ; 7) The Golden Ratio
H501L : 8) Old Soviet Abandoned Hangar
CABARET VOLTAIRE : 9) The Power (Of Their Knowledge)
10) Night Of The Jackal
ORDRE ETERN : 11) Silencio En Un Largo Tunel
89ST/ PETRA FLURR : 12) Monotone Agression Zone
BLAKK HARBOR : 13) Call+30-For Crisis
14) End Is Just The Beginning
HYPERWUMP : 15) Gas Addicts <FLVZ RMX> ; 16) U​.​S​.​O. <Humberto Alvarez RMX>; 17) Fub Cuts A Rug <Comfort Within Noise RMX>