DISORDER 01/06/20 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 48m 14s
PARTINICO ROSE:1)Misanthropy ;2)Songs for sad and angry people ;3)The story of cancer
INSTANT LAKE:4)Death To Slavery ;5)Trauma
ENIB:6)Limbo ;7)Cut;8)Devourer
10) Radio Stars
11) Uranium
12) Transistor
JOHN NUMA:13)Visions ;14)Traffic
D.B.P.I.T.:15)Bekytanz Drei
16) Jules The Gentle Pilot
PHASE FATALE:17)De-patterning
18)Splintered Heels
ESA:19)You are Safe Here (feat Caitlin Corlyx)
20) Hold your Tongue