DISORDER 11/10/21 (Gothic,Electronics)

Data di trasmissione
Durata 1h 33m 8s
LISA GERRARD: 1) Keson (Until My Strength Returns)
2) Do So Yol (Gather The Wind)
KIRLIAN CAMERA : 3) Concrete Illusions; 4) Grey Drug
BLOCCO 24 : 5) Lenti e Confusi; 6) Barriere
DERMA : 7) Doppio Al Cubo
8 Splendor
9) Test
H501L : 10) Girone Infernale
SR 60: 11) Rec n3
12) Rec n4
MATTER : 13) Surplus
BLAC KOLOR : 14) The Only Way
15) More
16) When I See