DISORDER 20/01/25 (Gothic,Electronics)
CANTO DI VESTA: 1) Dal Fuoco; 2) Vedrai
OUR CHILD GOT A TEMPER: 3)I'Am Not The Devil; 4) Life
THE KVB: 5) Negative Drive; 6) Words; 7) Tremors
VENA SEKTO: 8 Corvus Dei; 9) Estranhos
ADULT.: 10) Undoing / Undone ; 11) Our Bodies Weren't Wrong
LAIBACH: 12) How the West Was Won (Opus Dei Revisited); 13) The Great Seal (Opus Dei Revisited)
APHEX TWIN: 14) No Stillson 6 Cirk ( Houston TX 17/12/16)